Influencer Marketing

We establish the standard for data-powered performance marketing services as a leading firm in the realm of omnichannel Influencer Marketing.

Influencer Reach Expands Customer Journey

Zharkwave’s comprehensive capabilities across the entire customer journey drive ROI by implementing scalable Influencer Marketing campaigns, reaching various channels beyond the realms of Social Media. 

Data Driven Influence

Influencer are influential because of their storytelling abilities, being able to connect emotionally with and trusted by their followers. However, that doesn’t mean it can be measured. Zharkwave as a team of data scientist, tech-driven can bring accurate measurement techniques to your influencer campaigns. 

Meaningful Brand-Audience Relationships

Instead of engaging in one-time collaborations with Influencers, we prioritize building trust and connection between brands and audiences. Our job is to identify the perfect Brand Ambassadors, who have the right audience, who create the right content, and then strategically distribute the content through owned and paid channels. At Zharkwave, our team of Influencer experts excel in building the right data-oriented strategy to activate against the right group of Influencers based on your KPIs. We review timelines and research backgrounds to evaluate Influencers in terms of brand safety, competitive separation, and brand fit.

We’re ready.
Are you?

Fill in the form now or Whatsapp us +62 821-3869-6693 and we will let you know how to accelerate your brand’s performance.